Scenic Views in Taipei Scenic Views in Taipei
Digital Vibe of the City
Digital Vibe of the City
Last update : 2022/10/31_主計處111年十月重要統計參考指標
Cross-domain Data Integration
Cross-domain Data Integration

The integration emphasizes the "extensiveness" and "realtime-ness" of data. We converge various sources of data from within and outside City Hall. Through building the system infrastructure, data pipelines, transmission protocols, and choosing the right visualizations, we equip the government a more wholistic view for better decisions.

In-depth Urban Analysis
In-depth Urban Analysis

The analytics seek for "in-depth" and "insightful" outcomes. We compile the relevant data sets, tailor the right methodology and carry out the analytic process to ensure the quality of research. We empower the government insights to tackle city's most complex challenges.